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DUI Defense

Second DUI in Ohio: What to Expect?

By June 23, 2024September 9th, 2024No Comments

Finding yourself up against a second DUI charge in Ohio can stir up a mix of fear and uncertainty. This time, the stakes are much higher, with significantly more severe penalties than a first offense, but understanding your options is the first step toward reclaiming control. 

At Hiltner Trial Lawyers, we understand the gravity of your situation. Our team is dedicated to providing the legal guidance and support you need to navigate this difficult time. With years of experience defending people from DUI charges, we are committed to helping you achieve the best possible outcome.

What Happens When You Are Charged with a Second DUI in Ohio?

When charged with a second DUI in Ohio, several immediate consequences will follow:

  • Arrest: You will be taken into custody.
  • Vehicle Impoundment: Your vehicle may be impounded.
  • Administrative License Suspension (ALS): An automatic suspension of your driver’s license will occur, leaving you to face limited mobility and the challenges that come with it.

Understanding the Legal Process for A DUI Charge in Ohio

After your DUI arrest, the legal journey begins, and it’s important to be aware of the timelines that the state of Ohio has to bring charges against you.

  1. Arraignment: This is your first court appearance, where you will hear the charges against you and enter a plea. 
  2. Pre-Trial: During this phase, your lawyer will meet and negotiate with the prosecutor. The goal is to explore all possible options, including plea deals, to mitigate the consequences you face.
  3. Trial: Your case will proceed to trial if a plea deal isn’t reached. Here, evidence will be presented, witnesses may be called, and a verdict will be determined.

Under Section 2901.13 of the Ohio Revised Code, the state typically has up to two years from the date of the offense to file criminal charges if your DUI is classified as a misdemeanor. For felony charges, the state has up to six years to file. Being aware of your rights and these timelines is essential as you navigate the legal process.

Penalties for a Second DUI Conviction in Ohio

Fines and Costs

The financial burden of a second DUI conviction can be substantial:

  • Fines: You could be fined between $525 and $1,625, a significant increase from first-time penalties.
  • Court Costs: In addition to fines, you will incur court costs and fees, which can quickly add up, putting further strain on your finances.

Jail Time

A second DUI offense carries mandatory jail time like the first. However, it is much longer, which can be a life-altering consequence:

You could face a minimum of 10 days to a maximum of 6 months in jail. If there are aggravating factors involved, such as a high blood alcohol concentration or causing an accident, the duration of your sentence could increase.

  • Fines: You could be fined between $525 and $1,625, a significant increase from first-time penalties.
  • Court Costs: In addition to fines, you will incur court costs and fees, which can quickly add up, putting further strain on your finances.

License Suspension

Losing your driving privileges can significantly impact your daily life:

  • License Suspension: Your driver’s license may be suspended for a minimum of 1 year and up to 7 years, depending on the circumstances of your case.
  • Restricted License: While under suspension, you might be eligible for limited driving privileges, allowing you to drive to essential destinations like work or medical appointments. However, this is not guaranteed and is subject to court approval.

Additional Penalties

Beyond the immediate legal penalties, there are other consequences that you may face:

  • Ignition Interlock Device: You may be required to install an ignition interlock device on your vehicle at your own expense. This device requires you to pass a breathalyzer test before your vehicle will start.
  • Yellow Plates: In some cases, you may be mandated to use special yellow DUI plates on your vehicle.
  • Alcohol/Drug Treatment Programs: Participation in alcohol or drug treatment programs may be required as part of your sentence, reflecting the court’s emphasis on addressing the underlying issues that contribute to impaired driving.

The Long-Term Impact of a Second DUI Conviction

A second DUI conviction doesn’t just bring immediate penalties; it also has far-reaching consequences that can affect various aspects of your life long after the legal process has concluded.

  • Employment: A criminal record can severely limit your job opportunities, especially in fields that require a clean driving record or involve professional licensing. Employers may be hesitant to hire someone with a history of impaired driving, and existing employment could be jeopardized.
  • Insurance Rates: Your car insurance premiums will likely skyrocket following a second DUI conviction. Insurance companies view repeat offenders as high-risk drivers, meaning you could be paying significantly more for coverage for years.
  • Reputation: Beyond the legal and financial repercussions, a second DUI conviction can damage your personal relationships and social standing. The stigma associated with impaired driving can lead to strained relationships with family, friends, and colleagues, as well as difficulties with your reputation in your community.

How Can a DUI Lawyer Help You With Your Second DUI Conviction in Ohio?

Having the right legal representation is crucial when facing a second OVI/DUI charge. At Hiltner Trial Lawyers, we bring years of experience and a deep commitment to defending our clients’ rights. Our team is dedicated to guiding you through the legal process, helping you understand your options, and working tirelessly to mitigate the impact of the charges against you or even get it dismissed.

Contact Our Ohio-Based DUI Defense Lawyers Today

Facing a second OVI/DUI charge in Ohio is a serious matter that requires careful consideration and informed decision-making. The penalties are severe, and the long-term consequences can be life-altering. However, with the right legal guidance, navigating this challenging situation and working toward a more favorable outcome is possible. 

We are committed to providing experienced legal services that are grounded in empathy and a deep understanding of the law. Contact us today at 330-475-3164 for a free consultation.

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